展会快讯 | 第二届成都国际福祉博览会江苏推介会圆满召开




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     The leaders of the co-organisers of the Expo said that the Expo was organised to implement the national strategic plan for the coordinated development of the eastern and western regions and the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin-city Economic Circle. With the theme of "Creating a Barrier-free Environment and Sharing a Better Life", the Expo advocates that people with disabilities should enjoy barrier-free services in the areas of rehabilitation, education, employment, culture, sports and life, and share a better life in the new era.
    In order to do a good job in the preparation of the Expo, the co-organisers will actively mobilise local enterprises and related units to participate in the exhibition, visit the exchange and procurement, and participate in the same period of academic activities. Jiangsu Disabled Persons' Welfare Foundation, as one of the organisers, will actively invite the leaders of Jiangsu Province Civil Affairs, Disabled Persons' Federation, Health and Wellness, Department of Education, Sports Bureau and other relevant units to visit the site to guide the work and coordinate the formation of regional exhibitors in Jiangsu Province, the procurement of observation groups to the exhibition, exchange and procurement, and actively promote the rehabilitation of auxiliary aids enterprises in Jiangsu, Sichuan and other places in a win-win situation, and jointly promote the development of well-being of the East, Central and Western regions.


    Finally, the leaders of the co-organisers said that holding the Second Chengdu International Well-being Expo is a major activity on the occasion of the promulgation and implementation of the Barrier-Free Environment Construction Law, and a big push to implement the Barrier-Free Environment Construction Law and create a barrier-free living environment and humanistic care for the disabled. Everyone should make concerted efforts to do a good job in organising the Expo.
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