为何参展 why exhibit

Chengdu Welfare Expo highlights

A platform for communication, integration and procurement for the welfare industry.

Accurately invite professional buyers to facilitate efficient matchmaking between supply and demand.

All-media promotion to increase brand exposure and value-added for exhibitors.

10+ industry forums will be held during the same period, and 80+ industry leaders will have on-site dialogues.

Disabled Friends Carnival, a big festival for the disabled friends.

  • 科技赋能助行移动辅具/无障碍设施展示体验区
  • 科技赋能康复设备/护理辅具/医疗辅具展示体验区
  • 科技赋能听力语言康复展示体验区
  • 科技赋能低视力及盲用产品展示体验区
  • 科技赋能假肢及矫形器展示体验区
  • 助残事业成果展区
  • 助残社会组织、文创助残、非遗助残、残疾人文创作品、手工制品等公益展区

展位在线预定Online booth reservation

展位在线预定 请认准主办方联系方式! Please confirm the contact information of the organizer for online booth booking!

预定从速Book as soon as possible